Sunday, July 11, 2010

Added Color

Between the daily afternoon thunderstorms and the heat there haven't been too many large projects going on outside right now. We did however, get a chance to add a little bit of color to some spots around the house. I may not be able to paint that wood, but I will find a way to get some splashes of bright in the house. And for those of you that remember my bedroom third year of college, these color selections should come as no surprise.

Our shed door was barely covered in paint, and what little was still remaining would wipe off like chalk as we walked through it. A little coat on the door frame and we might be able to hold out on shed renovations for a bit longer?


The chalkboard window frame FINALLY got finished and hung! Sadly, I still haven't made it to the store to get some chalk to actually test it out. We'll get there....


And our eggplants got a little growth spurt  and have added some anticipation for meal cooking next week. Jackie, I bought everything to make your Eggplant Parmesan recipe!!


Just wait until I get to paint a room....


Mom and Dad said...


Anonymous said...

Travis & Kelly, sounds like you are busy making the house YOUR home!!! Love, the picture of both of you working together.....makes lasting memories! Bet you have eaten the eggplant by now. I'm going to try the cookie recipe; a neighbor gives us squash a lot!
Hugs from us w/love, Boppy & Reggie

Jiffy said...

You have a nice blog. Good job Kelly.

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