About 765.

Back in 2010, after a year and a half and a few too many rodents, we decided to ditch the apartment and get some dirt to call our own. Bound and determined to use our vehicles as little as possible, we purchased our first home in Spanish Town where we can walk to everything that downtown Baton Rouge has to offer. The 90(plus) year old home has it's fair share of character. As we take on knob and tube wiring, 5-foot tall showers, and sealing drafty sash-weight windows, we'll share all of the DIY projects, garden bounties, and recipes with you here.

Spanish Town.

Spanish Town is one of the oldest neighborhoods in Baton Rouge, established in 1805 when it was under the commission of the Spanish government. In 1978 Spanish Town became a part of the National Register for Historic Places, with some buildings dating back to 1823. (We're thinking ours dates back to around 1900) The community was later known for its diverse culture, and became a haven for musicians, artists, writers, actors, and students. And with that diverse community came the adoption of the flamingo as the neighborhood mascot. "Bad taste is better than no taste at all" they say....
Not only is Spanish Town known for it's unique culture, but also for its Mardi Gras parade. The largest in Baton Rouge, the parade has been a tradition for 30 years now, with the 2010 parade boasting more than 200,000 people. Certainly a reason to visit!

Check out these websites for more information:
Spanish Town Mardi Gras
Historic Spanish Town